Sunday, August 26, 2007

Senior Teens August 12-17

Speaker:Jeremy Marsh
Director(s): Josh and Krista Docksteader
Male to Female ratio: 1 to 3

What a fun week to end off the summer. Josh and Krista definitely brought lots of 'new fresh' ideas to the week. The biggest thing would be the new schedule. Staff meeting was at 8:00 instead of 7:30 and let me tell you that extra 30 minutes to sleep made a world of a difference. Also rotations were at a new time, chapel was later at night, etc.
The week however was not pleasant on the nostrils. A storm the week before (which you will read about in later posts) washed in about 85% of the entire planets seaweed onto the Malagash beach. Well maybe not quite 85%, but there was a plethora of it. Thick, stinky, rotting, fly infested seaweed. It was the type of stench that would make you want to gag and puke. Somebody (I won't mention any names) puked from the stench. And while we are on the topic of Matt McMullen, along with puking he also managed to poop his pants from laughing so hard at camp. And while we're on the topic of poop smells, that stinky waft of sewage smell you get at camp was also out in full force quite regularly that final week. So basically the week stunk. Betty's cooking however smelt quite heavenly, and it tasted great as well I might add.
We had a couple themed meals as you can expect at camp. The first was fashion faux pas. Basically you had to wear clothes that if you wore in public you would probably get weird looks. I went for the touristy look as you can see. The high shorts and white thighs, the black socks and sandles, the same coloured shirt and shorts. Derrick Zoolander would have a fit and die if he were to see all the fashion disasters at that meal.
We also had a twins meal. There were lots of great pairs and I was glad to see Ryan thinking outside of the box by becoming Siamese twins with Sam. I thought inside the box and was a robot with Sonny. Not just any robot, but a picture taking stalker robot (look for a special post about Briggins and stalking later on). My favourite meal however was when the Curly Haired Club came into existence. It was a glorious meal that featured all curly hair people sharing their favourite curly hair moments. This including things such as how long they were straight before they went curly, or the way that sometimes they/we feel like a frizz ball sometimes. I think all the straight hair people were jealous.
A highlight of the week for the staff, but not really the campers, was waking up at 6:00 AM to play the staff vs. camper soccer game. The staff really enjoyed going from cabin to cabin waking up the campers (Beached whale!). Alot of the campers just watched the game, but bravo to those who against their body's will still played the game.
Sr. Teens is always alot of fun, especially when you are friends with some of the campers at home. Its just a great time to chill, relax, and just hang out. As fun as the games are, the highlight is usually chapel. And this year was no exception. Jeremy did a great job presenting new ways to look at old things such as prayer and worship. He also told us all about the "Slow Club" which was great to hear (and it also firmly planted the tourist in my head). Worship times were also fabulous, it was great having the chapels in the dark of the night, there's just something special about it. The worship team did an outstanding job that week, and the whole summer I might add.
So all in all it was a great week, a great way to end the summer. I was very tired and ready to go home when the end of the week rolled around. Just ask my cabin, they'll tell you I wasn't all there at some points which was pretty funny.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ohhh no!!!! i missed the annual biking family picture, im crushed :(